Monday, October 31, 2011

Great Expectations

In “Ten Habits of Happy Mothers” Dr. Meeker encouraged the reader to do a little exercise. On a sheet of paper, write down all the expectations that you place on yourself, reasonable or unreasonable: the things that you either do or consistently feel guilty about not doing. My list included everything from spending time in prayer daily to having plucked eyebrows, shaved legs, and painted toenails.

The list was so comprehensive and ridiculous, it made me realize why I sometimes feel overwhelmed and pulled in a thousand different directions.

Dr. Meeker then suggested writing an entirely new list with the deep desires of your heart. The things you really want to do…if time, money, or competing demands were not an issue. This list looked much different. She recommends throwing away the first list. Then pick the top three from second list and give yourself permission to focus only on those for the next several months and see what happens.

Now I can’t say that I’m doing exactly that… I can’t live in a pig sty with bushy eyebrows, but I am letting a few things go and trying to keep focused on my “Big Three”.

1) Pursue holiness… fan into flame a deep desire for God

2) Maintain a peaceful and joyful spirit

3) Change my eating habits to be healthier and more moderate

If I could master putting these things first, I think many of the other more mundane tasks that life gets cluttered up with, would fall into place.

I know that giving my kids clean clothes and meals to eat is important and a way of showing my love for them. I know that my husband appreciates not having something crunch under his feet when walking on the kitchen floor, but I also know that my family is happiest if I am maintaining a spirit of peace and joy instead of running around like a chicken with my head cut off enslaved to my never-shrinking-always-growing “to do” list.

The Scripture passage of Martha and Mary has always spoken to me. I have always been a “go-getter,” a “do-er”, a Martha. And God has shown me over and over again how important it is to take time to sit at His feet. I realized recently that sometimes I tend to be a Martha around my house too. I'm constantly (often also futilely) attempting to get stuff done. But just as it is important to sit at Jesus’ feet and soak in His love and goodness, I too should sit at the feet of my children and soak in their adorable innocence and cherish this time that will go by too fast.

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